
Do you remember "It's MINE!"

Do you remember being a little kid and getting mad when somebody took something that belonged to you. We would stomp our feet, get angry and yell "It's MINE!" If that didn't work, we would have a temper tantrum. Or as we call it in the country, "throw a fit."

Do you still have those moments as an adult? I'm ashamed to say that I do. I recently had someone try to take away my joy by critizing my blog and belittling my right to post what I want to post. My faith was even brought into question and it really upset me for over a week. Well it's MY joy and I want it back.

I have always believed that our blogs are exactly that OUR blogs. We do not write to offend or upset anyone, but if we write what God places on our heart and it offends someone, it wasn't intentional. It just may have been needed by someone that was reading it that day.

If I have ever offended any of my readers, I do apologize. That is not the purpose of this blog. It not personal except to me. It is a place for me to write what I feel, what I think, what I enjoy and hopefully bring a little guidance, a little smile or a little pleasure to my readers. Maybe even a little laughter.

I know that when I read your blogs, it always seems to lighten my load. Young mother's who blog bring back fond memory of the days when my twins were growing up. Grandmother's who blog provide me with ideas of things to do with my grandchildren. Christians who blog inspire me, provide me guidance and help me face difficult days simply by the gift of their blog for the day. Crafters and decorators help me with thoughts for new projects or ways to spruce up the house.

So, I guess we each blog for our own personal reasons. If something hits home and I feel like it was meant for me, I hope I can realize that God thought I needed to hear it or I wouldn't have read that blog that day.

So my apologies if I have offended any of you and my thanks to God that HE is faithful and He alone can give back my joy.