There comes a time in everyone's life where you just have to let go and admit that the lost sock to complete the pair is truly, really lost. I have some socks in my clothes basket. They are single. Every load to fold gets put in the basket, carried to the bed, folded and sorted. Then I put the socks in a pile and start sorting. When I am done, the loners all go back in the basket hoping to find their mate in the next load.
I have had these above socks showing up in every load for eternity I am sure. They never seem to have a mate. They have been through moves, through drawer cleanings, through season changes and yet here they remain. All alone with no one to call their own. Looking for the other 1/2 to their heart.
But alas, many years have past and they remain the same. A lot of the younger kids are wearing mismatched socks and I guess I could do, who are we kidding, I couldn't.
I could hold a Sadie Hawkins day race for socks. Let the hidden ones come out to find a mate.

After all these, years that probably wouldn't work either.
Well, at least I can say I tried. I guess I will just toss them into the rag basket and use them to dust fan blades or venetian blinds.