For the past 6 months, my life has been filled with old doors closing and new doors opening. Moments of deep despair and days of optimistic hope. The loss of a loved one, changing jobs, moving homes. And through it all I have found the strength to just step out of one door and enter through the next one. I wrote this blog many years ago. It is so appropriate to my life now that I had to post it again for Faith Filled Friday.
We have all heard it said that when God closes one door, another door opens. I believe this is true. I also believe that the open doors are there all along. But because of our stubborn ways and willful nature, we are unable to see the open door God is providing us. We are too interested in doing things are own way, choosing our own paths. We will walk through the wrong after day, month after month. God provides us instructions and courage to take the road less traveled and head through the open door.
But sometimes, when we can't see our way to do His will, He will close a door to us so we are forced to step out on faith alone and walk through the new door He has opened. When we do, we find joy and peace unknown. Opportunities begin to come our way and the benefits of obeying His will are innumerable.
But sometimes, when we can't see our way to do His will, He will close a door to us so we are forced to step out on faith alone and walk through the new door He has opened. When we do, we find joy and peace unknown. Opportunities begin to come our way and the benefits of obeying His will are innumerable.
It is a sad commentary on our lives that we have become so obstinate and so self-absorbed that when we pray asking for His help, we still want to continue trying to do it our way...or worse yet, try to tell God how He should handle it.
My prayer for each of you is that you take that step of faith and walk through the door God is providing for you. Do not be afraid or dismayed. Look at it as a new journey, an uplifting opportunity and a road to rewards that are beyond our wildest dreams.