In honor of Father's Day tomorrow, I want to dedicate my blog today to my Daddy. He has been gone for 11 years and I can still hear his voice, hear his laughter, feel his love.
He worked for the C & O railroad (before it was CSX). When he came home in the evenings, he always had time for us kids. He taught us how to play marbles and ball and badminton. We loved being out in the yard with him.
As time passes by, my memories of Daddy never fade. Little moments stand out never to be forgotten. Memories of him taking us to Brady's hardware with him and letting us browse the paint charts and look at the tools. Memories of him taking me and Rachel to Updyke's 5 & 10 and buying us our first little new testament bibles. Memories of rubbing his feet or his back to make a quarter. Memories of him getting out his secret stash of the giant Hershey bar and breaking us each off a piece. Memories of laying out in the sun on Sunday afternoons while Daddy sat on the patio listening to the Reds on the radio. Memories of him eating off a TV tray in the living room when Marshall played basketball. Memories of buttermilk and cornbread for a late night snack or bread broken up in a cup of coffee with butter and cream.
Memories of helping him mix concrete for a new sidewalk and patio. Memories of getting to flip the chalk line on lumber when he made anything. Memories of long walks in the woods on Sundays, or up to the golf course to find golf balls or simply walking up the road to see the cows (not sure why we loved to do that, but we did). Memories of him in his building where he would work for hours making us book cases, doll benches and what-not shelves. Memories of eating ice cream together and riding to town on the bus. Memories of him taking us to Merle Norman's and letting us buy Mommy a pretty pin for Mother's day. I now have those pins because Mom gave them to me a few years ago.
I could fill the whole internet with all the wonderful memories of Daddy. But to sum it all up, my greatest memory of Daddy was LOVE. Always and forever. I miss you Daddy.