Happy New Year! Welcome in 2018. Time for my word of the year. I think the hardest thing for me in 2017 was accomplishing things I wanted to do. The past three years I have had words like joy, believe, dream. Well, I never seem to have a problem finding joy in the small things. So that word worked out good. The year I used dream I made a lot of plans and had a lot of longings for things I wanted to accomplished. But due to other changes in my life, dreaming was more of a "I wish..." type year. The year I did believe I accomplished a little more of my goals because I tried to keep the mindset that I BELIEVED I could accomplish anything I wanted to. But I still didn't have the success I had hoped with my plans for the year.
So as I was thinking about what I want to do this year and the things I want to accomplish, I realized that I can dream and I can believe all I want but if I don't stay focused I am never going to achieve what I want. So my word for 2018 is going to be FOCUS.
I love the compass emblem. It signifies to stay on your path and not get lost along the way. So if FOCUS is my word for the year, I think compass will be my item of the year.
Ms. Debbie at Jeremiah-2911. com loves acronyms. I thought of her when I found this one for my word this year. I love it. I am going to print this out and put it on my wall at home.
I will test the power of my new word on the very first day I am using it. I have to work for a little while today, but when I get home I want to focus on getting Christmas put away and setting the house back to normal. I won't have time to accomplish it all tonight but I will finish up tomorrow. It's just important for me to focus on one step at a time instead of trying to do everything today. We will see how focused I can stay without getting sidetracked.
People may laugh at me because I am one year away from being able to retire and you would think I would be planning on slowing down. But I hope to work another 5-10 years if I can. So if I am going to be working, then I am going to be dreaming and planning. It doesn't matter how old I get, I have things I want to do.
I am loving using my new Happy Planner I got for Christmas. I carry it with me every day to work. My work bag I use the most is getting a little worn so I need to get something new. Thirty-One is introducing the cross body organizing tote. It is just perfect for my work bag. It comes in three patterns and I was having a hard time deciding which one I like the best.
I wanted to have it personalized so when I went to Thirty-One to look at my choices I found the perfect personalization for this bag. A COMPASS! Apparently it was a good choice to choose FOCUS for my word this year.

And in my true tradition of getting good bargains, this one is one of the best. This new bag they are coming out with in spring was offered as part of their Customer Appreciation Celebration through the 14th of January. It is going to be $38.00 but if we buy during the appreciation event they are letting it sell for $22.00. That in itself is a bargain. But did I pay $22 for mine? Of course not. I did a Facebook party to try to get a $200 order together so I could order this as my 1/2 off hostess product for having the party. It was a success (and it is still running through the 14th) but I have enough that I can order the bag 1/2 off. So I am getting it for $11.00. That means I saved $27 total from the retail price. So I guess staying focused is already paying off.
I would love to see comments from you with what your word is going to be for 2018. Have a Happy New Year!