It's another week full of fun this week. Monday night, I actually went to my first Jamberry Nails home party. I had an awesome time. We got to do one of our fingers with some sample nail wraps she had. The we got to polish the rest to go with it and put a gel coat on top. I picked something not to wild so it would go with everything. Here was what I did. I love the sparkle.

Then last night I went to Colby's ball game. It is so much fun watching T-ball. They are adorable. But they have some great players and the game can get intense. It was a close one but we pulled it out in the last few minutes when Colby score the run that broke the tie giving us the win. It was at the new Cal Ripkin ball park called The Ripkin Experience in Pigeon Forge, TN. Sitting high on a hill surrounded by the Great Smoky Mountains, the view from the clubhouse porch was unbelievable.
There's not a bad view anywhere.
The fields are amazing. It is artificial turf. I had to take my flip flop off and step on it. I couldn't resist. It was neat.
It's mid-week and I still have a couple things coming up this week and a wonderful weekend with a couple of the grandkids coming for the weekend. Have a great Wednesday.