This is a rare vintage Fiestaware turquoise onion soup bowl. It is on E-bay for auction and ends in 2 days. Thirteen people are fighting for the right to own this lovely soup bowl. They are either very competitive or extremely insane because the bidding war has escalated to the staggering amount of $3,500.00 and climbing higher each day. This blows my mind.
It is insane how much people will pay for items on auction. Take Pyrex for example. I love Pyrex. You know I scour the yard sales, antique stores and thrift shops trying to find good deals. A good deal to me is $2 - $3 NOT $3,500.00. I will even pay $8 - $10 for a good piece.There have been rare occasions when I would even pay as much as $20 if it was a piece that was extremely hard to find and I needed it to complete my set. But start talking over $20 and I start balking at how bad to I want it. There was this lovely Pyrex casserole dish on E-bay last June for $1,125.00.
My wish list on my Pyrex right now are the orange and the yellow Cinderella bowls in the Town & Country collection. I have the big one with the medallions and the little brown one. I just need the other two to complete my set. There is a lady who has them for trade but I didn't have anything for trade that she wanted. The one item I offered her, she said her Mom collected so she is checking with her Mom to see if she would want what I offered for the two middle bowls of this. We will see.
My collection in that color scheme is coming together nicely.

My other Baker's rack is a collection of hodge podge colors and sets that I love collecting. One new set I am hoping to start working on next is the Horizon blue. I want the mixing bowls set of it. I am just in love with this.

I got my craft table put together last night and moved around some in my craft room. I hope to have pictures to show you in the next few days. Have a great weekend.