Happy Monday morning. Let's start the week off with some laughter. This is me every. single. morning. I get up in my PJ's and do things around the house, write my blog, everything to start my day going. Then I am geared up and ready for my day....till I realize I have to actually get dressed if I plan on going to work.
I do not hunt. I could never be quiet enough to get anything. So this would be me.
This one says it all.

This one is very funny.

And I am sure we all know someone that we think this about sometimes.
![Minions are always very cute and Funny to watch, So her […]:](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/69/b9/13/69b9139239cc5acdcbdaceb8460f0346.jpg)
Have an awesome week!