Today is dedicated to our Veterans. The proud men who fought for our freedom and dedicated their lives to make our great nation what it is today.
My daddy, Luke Garretson, fought in World War II. He was in the Navy and was stationed on an aircraft carrier. Daddy never talked much about the war. When he did, it was little funny stories about his buddies and some of the things they would do. But those stories were few and far between.
His ship earned accolades from the Commanding General of the United States Army Air Force's 313th Bombardment Wing who, upon the ship’s detachment from lifeguard duties, sent her a message: “Since you have been our guardian angel of the seas you have returned safely to us 50 combat crewmen. Many of them are flying against the enemy again. We are grateful for the splendid work you have done and wish you all the best of luck.” That was neat to read about.
As I've grown older, I wonder if he saws many horrors. Reading the history of his ship, I found where they shot down several Japanese planes, but most of the stories online are the rescue missions they performed when our B29 Bombers had to ditch their planes at sea.
My Daddy was the sweetest, nicest man you would ever want to meet. We were raised in a very loving home and I've always wondered if he didn't talk about the war because he wanted to shelter us from all the atrocities that war brings. Or was it simply a part of his life he didn't want to relive.
I dedicate my page today to the loving memory of my father,
Luther Harden Garretson 1923-1999.