I was very excited when I got gas last Wednesday so I would be ready to roll on Friday. Only paid $2.34 a gallon. Considering not too long ago we were at $3.49 that is not a bad way to start a four day weekend.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with the family. Lots of fun and lots of food. I was so wrapped up in visiting and spending time with everybody, that I failed to get any pictures. I was so mad at myself, but it was worth it not be distracted from visiting.
My first stop on Black Friday was to Kmart. My daughter had to work but she wanted to get Shelby some new boots. The deal was buy any pair of shoes for regular price and get the second pair for $1.00. I picked out the brown for $19.99 and got the black for $1.00. She was very thrilled.
While I was out an about, I started checking out fireplaces. We want one of the media fireplaces to help on the heating bill. We like the bedrooms cool. One of these will be very cost efficient to heat the living room and kitchen, keeping our electric bill down this winter. I liked this one but it isn't really what I wanted and it was more than we want to pay.
In my scouting around, I found a new book to add to my Christmas wish list. It sounds so good. It is about a lawyer who takes that puts her world of coal mining in Virginia, where laws are often broken, rules are ignored, communities are divided, and the land itself is under attack from Big Coal. Violence is always just around the corner, and within weeks Samantha finds herself engulfed in litigation that turns deadly. Since I am from Appalachia originally, my family worked in the coal mines and I work for an attorney, I knew I had to read this book. Santa better not forget it.
When I came home on Friday, I had a package waiting for me. Thirty-One is branching out and carry a new line starting in January. It is called Jewell by Thirty-One and will include a variety of wallets, purses and accessories. The first of the new line to be a monthly special is going to be the All About the Benjamins wallet. So I ordered one to check it out. I fell in love. I want to get one in a different color while it is on sale in January.
I took it shopping over the weekend and have fallen in love with how much room is in it and how easy it is to get your cash in and out of it.
My daughter had ordered a couple of their products as well. These were just too cute for spring.
One of my bargains was this little tree for just $3.88.
I picked up some baubles, bows and beads at Walmart for it.
I also fell in love with these little birds at K-mart for 1/2 off.

...as well as this little owl wreath. Loving the herringbone.

I used it all to decorate a little shelf in my home office. I am very happy with it. Didn't have any little boxes to wrap for under the tree, so I wrapped my business cards and some scrap pieces of plastic canvas.
Sunday, Hubby and I went on the great fireplace hunt for ideas. We went everywhere we could think of that would carry them. We are going to get one next week. As of right now, this is the one we decided on. The little door on the front top comes off, it is fake. My cable box and DVD will go in the little shelf behind the door. If you touch the sides, there are hidden shelves in both sides for DVD or book storage. I think this may be the one we get.
On the way home from our window shopping expedition, we stopped by Kirby Plants and picked out our Christmas tree. The unveiling will be posted in a few days once we let the branches warm up and settle and get all the decorations on it.
The bottom limbs were too low and we knew we would have to cut them off. So we had them just go ahead and come them before we left. And I asked for them so I can fix up something crafting using the real branches. I don't have a clue what to do with the so I am sure it will be Pinterest time this evening to get some ideas.
Well, that is my weekend wrap up.