Oh how I love Arcopal pitchers. They are from France so it is very hard to find in the U.S. You can find them on Ebay and Etsy but most of this ship from over seas. I even saw some that shipped from the Netherlands. But I do love them. I have seen posts where people have discovered them in thrift shops, antique stores and even yard sale in the U.S. So there is hope that maybe one day I will find one. I love the bold orange flowers in this one.

But I also love these assortment of tiny flowers in a variety of colors.

These blue flowers would look great with my Colonial Mist Pyrex.

As much as I love my Pyrex, I also love this mixing bowl set by Hazel Atlas....

....as well as the Hazel Atlas dots.

And I looked forever for these Holt Howard cat salt & pepper shakers. Everywhere I saw them back 3 years ago they were over $25 and sometimes up to $49. So I did something I rarely do....I bid on an auction on E-bay and got these for $9.95 with free shipping. I was over the moon.

Now if I could just find the Hold Howard rooster pitcher and cups.
Or the powdered cleanser cat.

And you can call me crazy if you want, but the one thing I would love to find is the vintage
plastic sprinkler bottles.

Well, that is just some of the things I would love to discover in my hunting this summer.