Some people dwell on the past, some look forward to the future and some just live life for the moment. Which one are you?
I asked myself that question today. I was a little dismayed by the answer. After a lot of soul searching, here is what I discovered.
I'm a little of all three.
It is normal, as we get older, to remember the past with great fondness. To think of the people, places and things that we have enjoyed and have combined together to make us what we are today. That is just a normal process of aging. However, I think that I am guilty of revisiting the past on things that are better let go.
As I traveled this journey, I realized that I also live for the moment. I try to find happiness in whatever comes my way. I try to squeeze every moment of joy out of each and everything I do. Do I succeed, not always. It's hard to live for the moment when you can't let go of something in the past or you spend time dreaming about the future. But for the most part, I find it easy to be content with whatever God's plan is for me at any particular moment.

I have realized that I also love the future. I love having something to look forward to. The excitement and thrill of anticipation. Whether it is something long awaited such as a vacation or something as simple as a day out with my hubby, I just love having plans and dreams. I love knowing something good is in the air and that things are looking up. As I was looking out my window this morning, I had to laugh as I was thinking about the future. I was noticing that the neighbor needs to mow. He just mowed a few days ago, but the rains have really given us some good green grass this year. But it made me realize that in the middle of every season, we start anticipating the next season. Here we are, barely into July, and I was thinking about the fall decorations I want to put out in September.
After all this deep thinking and soul searching about the past, present and future, I have decided that's it's okay to be a little of all three. Doris Day said it best in The Man Who Knew Too Much when she sang Que Sera, Sera (Whatever will be, will be.)