I think this sign should be in my driveway. Since we moved in the new place in October I have been continually moving things around, rearranging decor, shifting this or that from here to there. Another change took place this weekend.
You will remember that my friend Phyllis issued a Pinterest Challenge and I couldn't decide what to do. I finally realized it wasn't about a BIG project or concept. It was simply about selecting an idea and following through. So I did. I keep seeing these adorable shelves with color themes on them. This was my inspiration for my project.
I was sitting at my desk thinking I would love to do a shelf with some pinks and blues. My office has blue curtains and I have tons of pink and blue flowered tea sets in my office. I happened to glance over and realize that I already had white shelves in there.
I haven't been happy with all the pictures on it. They are too squished together and the shelf is kind of high over my printer so I couldn't really see them good. I wanted to move the pictures to my big bookcases where they would be easier to see. So I took everything off and moved the top shelf down closer to the bottom shelf.
Then I went around the house and collected some blue and pink items that could be moved from where they were. I put everything on the shelves and here was the end result.
Major difference. I love it and it didn't cause my one single penny. I had everything right here in the house. Thanks Phyllis. I passed my first challenge.
But as I was trying to find what Pinterest I wanted to recreate, I remembered I had already done one. I had found this on Pinterest a couple of weeks ago.
I thought it was a great idea for my Thirty One portable office. So I ran out to Staples and bought a black plastic hanging file organizer with folders for $12.00 and came home and picked out which Organizing Utility tote I wanted to be my portable office. I put the black tray in it, made my files and put pens and door prize slips in the front pockets and my calculator in a side pocket and this was the end result. I love it.
My next challenge is going to be to redo the kitchen table. Right now, it has it's "winter clothes" still on. I'm scouting around for ideas on changing it for spring. Hope to get that accomplished this week.