If you have noticed, I am incorporating some blue and pink into my home office.
I have been looking for some curtains and can't find what I want. I wanted priscilla style with some type of pink flowers that would tie in with the pale yellow walls. I am trying to make the room really feminine since I have so many tea sets in it. The sweet lady who provided me with all my lace curtains graciously agreed to see if she could find a pair for my office. Well, I actually found exactly what I was looking for at a yard sale for $4.00. They have pretty pink flowers and the leaves are green with a hint of yellow that is the exact creamy yellow of the walls.
I need to get in touch with my friend to let her know I found some but I haven't had a chance yet. If she did find me a pair, I'm going to put them in the spare room since that just has a mint green sheer in it. I am scouting around for a pretty pink lamp to go in my office. Here are a few I found that I like. This is kind of vintage looking so I like it really well. If you will notice under the rim of shade are a couple of little birdies sitting as well as one on top of the shade.
this one is cute because it is so whimsical, but that is not exactly what I am looking for.
I do love tall skinny desk lamps but this looks like it has some little glass bauble around it that I don't really care for.
These are just down-right adorable but still not what I am wanting for my office. They seem to be a little too modern.
This is more what I want. Plain, simple, a little elegant but a litte demure. I am going to keep searching.
I am also looking for a little blue table or night stand to put over by my desk. I found a few I like.