Saturday was a very busy day. I was up by 5:30 so I could straighten the house and catch up on some work before I headed out for the day. By 8:30, I was leaving to head over to my Thirty-One summer premier. It was awesome. We got the new summer catalog and mini catalogs while we were there. the front of it definitely screams Summer.
I'll be giving you a sneak peak later this week, but for now let me say I am in love with the new patterns and there are even a few new items I think you will adore. The Best Buds pattern is probably one of my new favorites. I am already planning to order the Inside Out purse and a Retro Metro Wallet in this pattern. I love flowered patterns.
One thing I love about Thirty-One is the fact that we get a free amenity for attending. This time we got a Large Utility Tote.
Yes, that's right. Those are FLIP FLOPS! It is a new pattern for Thirty-One. Do you know how excited I am about that? The queen of flip flops who absolutely loves Thirty-One products now owns a large utility in the Flip Flop pattern. I am in love. I was also very excited because I won one of the door prizes. A Keep It Caddy in Party Punch. I had this on my wish list, now I don't have to order it.
After my meeting, I headed back across the towns to a ball park to watch my grandson play baseball. I love watching their games and was thrilled to see my grandson get a really good hit. My son is the coach so I get to watch him in action as well. I am so proud of both of them. A sister to one of the players took this picture Saturday. She was kind enough to let me share it on my blog today. I love this picture.

After the ball game, I went to the grocery store to pick up some things for the week. I decided to try the Sara Lee chocolate donuts. You will recall, Sara Lee has introduced a line of lunch cakes that is supposed to be comparable to Hostess. Well, let me tell you these donuts were just like eating the Sweet Sixteens that were by Hostess. They were delicious.
I went to church on Sunday. One of my friends owns her own business. She makes candles and soaps. I have been wanting to try a bar of her Lily of the Valley soap. It is made with natural goat's milk, honey and shea butter. Her son brought it to me to church yesterday and the smell is divine. It smells so good that I had to unwrap it and use it.
After church, I just vegged out around the house most of the day. I have had a full week and was exhausted. I knew this week was going to be busy so I decided to stay home and take it easy. I was catching up on my Facebook reading and saw this photo this morning that was posted by Coastal Charm. It is SO me that I just had to share it.