Sometimes I just sit and ponder life. One thing I think about that I do not like is the fact that my grandbabies are growing up. Found these pictures the other day and just can't believe how many years ago they were taken and can't believe how much older they are now.
Garret is now 19 (he will be turning 20 next month). How can I have a 20 year old grandchild. It just doesn't seem possible.
Caleb will be 16 in May. Where did that little baby boy go?
Sweet Alexis. She is one of the happiest little girls I know. She will be 15 later this year. WOW.
The wild one, Shelby, will be 11 in July. That just doesn't sound possible.
And Mr. Energy himself, Colby, will be 9 this fall. Talk about making me feel old. Look how teeny tiny he is here.
Somebody help me stop time.