
Good morning Sunday

It's the start of another day. The end of one week and the beginning of a new one. Time to prop up our feet and rest, thankful that the Lord has brought us through this week and praying for blessings for the week to come.

I love Sunday mornings. I love getting up at the crack of dawn, just as the sun is rising over the hill and watching it burn the last remnants of mist off the river. I love sitting out on my patio with a cup of hot chocolate or a glass of Pepsi, swinging in my swing as I listen to the busy chatter of my feathered friends.

I love the Sundays when the eagles across the river are making their morning trek gliding up and down the banks as they bask in the warmth of the first ray of sunshine.

I love reviewing my Sunday School lesson or checking to make sure I have my plans for children's church ready.

I love the thrill of knowing we will be having a baptism this morning for a sweet boy at our church.

I love the awesome, reverent time spent with God as the morning unfolds. The complete peace and content that comes from knowing, I am a child of the King and that with Him in my life, nothing and no one can harm me.

I love the thought of getting to sing in the choir and hearing a beautiful, inspiring sermon or working with the youth in children's church.

Yes, I love Sundays. I love their uniqueness in the fact that after church, I can come home and do absolutely nothing. I can rest and relax and go back that night for a "fill-up" to keep me going through another week.

Oh, yes, Good Morning Sunday. I have missed you and the sweet peace you bring to my soul.