
I'm joining the Wednesday Hodge Podge From This Side of the Pond

1. What is a pet peeve you have when vacationing?

Time share people. I resent the fact that I can't walk into a store or go down a street without somebody trying to get in my face to promote time share programs. They offer you these wonderful benefits if you give up "just a couple of hours" of your vacation. I especially dislike the ones that are really pushy and try to walk down the street with you for a little piece trying to change your mind.

2. Would you describe yourself as a light packer or do you need everything in your closet plus the kitchen sink?

Oh, I'm a "take it with you in case you need it" person. I take way too many clothes and way too many shoes. I laugh at myself sometimes. I can go away for a weekend and it looks like I'm going to be gone a month. I worry I will get there and need something that is back home. My hubby has a different philosophy. His is "Oh well, if you forget something there is always Walmart."

3. What's the best lesson a child ever taught you?

To love unconditionally. My grandchildren love me and they show it in every way and I love each one of them more than words can ever express. But my precious little Alexis said something to me one time and it has stuck with me. When she is with me, she is constantly coming up to me and hugging me and telling me she loves me. One day, I was taking them home and she said she was going to miss me. Then she said "But at least you are always in my heart." Talk about unconditional love. She doesn't look for my faults, she doesn't care that I'm not perfect. I'm her Mamaw and that is all it takes for her to love me. One of the most valuable lessons I've ever learned.

4. Share one piece of advice you'd give a recent graduate as they attempt to enter the job market?

Find your passion. Don't enter into a job simply because it is the easy road to take or because it makes the best money, has the best benefits. Determine what you love in life and find a job in that career. You will be happier in your job and it will become a career and not just a place you show up from 8 - 5. I have worked with people who feel like they are in dead end jobs simply because they don't care. They wanted to be a teacher, or a nurse, or an engineer. Yet they sit at a desk day in and day out doing something they despise instead of following their heart and doing what makes them happy.

5. What's your favorite lemon something?

Is lemon anything considered a "something". I love lemonade, lemon jelly beans, Lemonheads, lemon drops, lemon meringue pie, lemon pound cake....need I go on. Lemon is by far my #1 favorite flavor.

6. Flat sandal, wedge, heel...your favorite footwear?

Flip flops, flip flops and more flip flops. At last count, I owned 29 pairs and am still looking for more. I wear them until the absolute last moment in November when the cold comes and in February or March, the minute the temps rise above 50, the flip flops come out of storage. I am ruining my feet I am sure, but I love my flip flops. I am flat footed so anything with an arch wears me out by the end of the day.

7. What do you like best about a beach holiday? If you're not a beach lover (GASP!!) what do you dislike the least?

Oh, definitely a beach lover here. I love everything about a beach holiday. The sand; the sea; the shopping. But my favorite thing is to get my little low beach chair and head down to the sand. I like to put my chair pretty close to the waters edge so that the waves will wash up to about my knees as they come in. I take a book, lather up with sunscreen and just sit in my little chair and read. Just me, the sun, the ocean and my fictional friends. Hubby sometimes sits with me, he sometimes walks and he sometimes flies his kite if the winds are good. Oh, to be at the beach right now! Sigh.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I need to get my office organized. I have been pulling together yard sale stuff and accumulating it in my office. Plus I bought new trays and need to get everything shifted and labeled and organized. It looks like a war zone in here.