Thankful thought of the day - I'm thankful for God allowing us the right to make our own choices. many do we make a day? We don't realize how many times a day we make a decision, whether it be conscious or unconscious. We start our day by waking up thinking should we get up or try to lay there a while longer. We decide what to wear; we decide what to eat.
Over the course of a lifetime, we come to many crossroads in our life and have to make choices; be they major or minor. One of the great freedoms we have is the freedom to make our own choice. Some choices are made based on pure instinct; some are made on research and fact. Some are made because we are led by our mind, and some because we let our heart lead us.
Sometimes our choices are the right ones and sometimes...not so much. God provides us with a mind of our own and allows us to make many choices in our lifetime. As I look back over my life and think of some of the choices I've made, I can imagine His reaction. There are times, I'm sure He has watched me struggle and when my choice is made, He probably leans back on His throne, smiling serenely and whispering "Good job." But there are probably just as many times, if not more, that He has collapsed on His throne, sighed a deep sigh and said "Oh, what am I going to do with that child. What in the world is she thinking."
So even though my choices are mine and mine alone, I look to God for guidance and support. Sometimes, when a choice needs made and it just "feels" right, I've learned to trust the Lord that it is the step He wants me to take. I try to never second guess those moments. Call it gut instinct, call it woman's intuition, call it what you will, but if it is the right choice for you, it's probably the hand of God guiding you.