How funny is this picture? Do you ever feel like this? You sit at your computer and you are either waiting for information to come, a photo to upload, your chat partner to respond, a page to load...always waiting on something. I'm not to good at the waiting game. Thank goodness for my laptop which can go at a pretty good pace.
But as I sat looking at this picture, I wondered how patient others are when they are having to wait...and wait...and wait.
Now I have never claimed to be a patient person. As a matter of fact, when the grandkids get impatient for anything, my kids blame that trait on me. But the truth is, I have learned to be more patient. But I am about to run out of it with my car guys insurance company. As you will recall, my car was damaged in a recent hail storm and it was totalled.

Therein lies the problem. My car guy has the perfect car for me. It's a 2005 Ford 500 and it is SO adorable. The minute I saw it, I started drooling and murmuring "Mine. Mine. Mine". It had a minimal, really minimal amount of hail damage but he is selling all the damaged vehicles at a ridculously low price since he is not going to fix them (I have a guy lined up to fix it). It is a perfect car for what I want and the little bit of damage will allow me to pick it up at a bargain. He even let me drive it for 2 days to make sure I liked it. I DID!

This is going to be an awesome deal and I am getting so excited to get the car. Enter Mr. Insurance Man. He wants to calculate and combobulate all the damages of all the cars that were on the car lot at the time of the storm. My car guy had hoped to have it all settled in 2 weeks. Mr. Insurance Man said it shouldn't be a problem, THEN he went on vacation. THEN the insurance company needed more files. THEN he wanted to see the car again. THEN ... I guess you get the picture. So here we are, 50 DAYS after the hail damage, and I am still without wheels. I am so tired of driving hubby's truck I could scream.
But, still, I persevere. I want THAT car. I am willing to be patient until I get it. I know in the long run I will be glad I waited, but oh the waiting it not good for someone known as Little Ms. Impatient.