I had the pleasure of attending my youngest grandson's first tee ball game last night. My son (his daddy) coaches the team. The boys were amazingly good for such young kids who had never played before. I must say it was one of the most exciting tee ball games I ever attended.
Confidently strutting up to take his first turn at bat.

Coach Dad helping him with his stance and getting him ready to go.

Play ball.....
His first swing and he connected it and it went flying.

And so did he....all the way to first. I have never seen such little legs go so very fast.
And of course, being the proud grandma I am, I had to film him as those little flying 4 year old feet crossed home plate for the first run of his career.
This child loves sports of any kind and has been so excited for his first game. He looks so cute in his outfit.

It was an awesome night. They won 10-0. Colby scored twice and got one out at first. I can't wait to go back again.