It's been a great year overall.
Our family added two new babies this year when two of my nieces each gave birth to boys.

We had several hail storms come through the area. One of them totaled both my car and my hubby's truck. He bought his truck back, but my Cadillac was so far gone that we let them total it. I started car shopping and it took almost three months for me to settle on a new (used) car.
We moved from our home of the past 12 years to a new bigger place. I am thrilled with the move. I have so much more room and don't feel cramped up all the time.
The grandbabies have went through changes. Garret turned 12. His last year before becoming a teenager. Caleb turned 8 and Alexis turned 7. Shelby hit three and was finally completely potty trained. Little Colby turned one and learned to walk and now he goes as fast as his little legs will carry him.
We did a new church directory for the first time in about 4 years and I was able to assist in the project and had a blast getting to know our members better through the process.
Our church also put on the first annual Kodak Community Christmas Parade and it was a huge success.
I had one nephew graduate from the United States Marine Corp and one graduate from the US Army.

We got a new Donna Sharp outlet at our local mall.
Our TV of 19 years went kaput and we are starting the shopping hunt for the best buy on a new one.
All in all, it has been an interesting and exciting year. Can't wait to see what 2012 brings.