Well, I had a good weekend. I'll post some pics of that later this week. But I went to the Blooming BBQ & Bluegrass Festival before I went to work Saturday. Sunday I was off so I went to dinner with the whole family for Caleb's birthday. I slept really good the last two nights and took a nap on Sunday afternoon so I am totally rejuvenated today.
In fact, I am so rested that by 9:30 this morning, I had already washed all my throw rugs and got them dry.
I did my weekly wipe down of bathroom and kitchen cabinets, stove and refrigerator doors with lemon Pine Sol.
I have made a sample of the three things we are going to do some prep work for tomorrow on my VBS workers craft prep day. Also this morning I pre-cut the paper for the 48 bookmarks and the 48 telescopes we are doing prep work for tomorrow.
I live right behind the store, so I ran out to get some much needed items, i.e. Junior Mints and a Twinkie.
I have already made almost 4 dozen gingerbread mini muffins today. All by 9:30.
Then I took a break and had some biscuits with peanut butter and a bowl of homemade apple butter with a big glass of chocolate milk for my breakfast around 10:00.
Today is the birthday of my oldest niece, Christy Dawn. She is my sister's first child and my mom's first grandchild. Here are a few of my favorite pics of her. As the Aunt, my job is totally embarrass her with old pictures on her birthday. This one was at a pond we went fishing at. She was the queen of Cheetos.
An Easter Egg hunt at Mamaw's.
Setting on the porch at Mamaw's holding the kitty. I think its name was Oreo but I can't remember.
One of her early school photos.
One of her last school photos during the curly hair stage.
The straight hair stage. Not sure which baby in the family she is holding. It may be her niece or one of the cousins babies.
I can't tell her age or she will get me. I can tell you she is no longer 41 and that it will be a year before she turns 43. But I can't tell you her age. :)
She was our first baby in 9 years in the family so she got a little spoiled. She is the one who gave me the nickname B because she couldn't say Brenda. I have been Aunt B for 40 some years. Happy birthday Christy Dawn. I hope you have a great day.