It's that time of year again when you partner with friends and family and gather all the items you don't use any more for your annual yard sale. As I go through my closets, dressers, cabinets and containers, I find things that I have accumulated that make me ask myself "What was I thinking?"
I have found things I bought that I couldn't live without, only to realize I don't remember the last time I used them. Take the Swiffer vacuum. Guaranteed to pick up the dust and dirt from your hardwood and linoleum floors. It has a nice little dust cloth that fits the bottom to trap the dust particles. In theory, it was a great idea. But what they don't tell you is you charge it for 24 hours and then it only runs about 10 - 15 minutes before needing charged again. And you can't run it with the little cord in it because it doesn't reach much farther than 2 feet. My broom and dust pan are way more flexible. So the little Swiffer vac must go.
And what was I thinking the day I bought that wonderful set of electric rollers. I have natural curly hair. Why in the world did I think I needed electric curlers. I told myself it would help for those little "slept on" areas that flattened or frizzed during the night. But with my curls, a spritz of water and a tussle with my fingers and the curls are back. The one time I used the rollers I left them in for 30 seconds and the curls froze in that shape. It was so curly I had to wash it twice to relax it back to normal curls. Bye bye electric curlers.
And how many knick-knacks and whatnot's have I bought at other's yard sales only to put them in mine because I can't figure out why I bought them in the first place.
It is a family joke because I put so many of my purse (yes, I'm an addict) in my yard sale. Then I take the money I make and go buy a couple new purses. Go figure.
But year after year, I continue to participate in our family yard sale. Digging and dragging out to find those items that must go. Only to get to our sale and buy more stuff that I can't live without?
So why do I do it? Is it the money? No. Is it the chance to get rid of unused stuff? No. It is simply that I enjoy doing it.