I'm getting there. I've finally wrapped presents and did some more shopping. Today will be a whirlwind day. I have an errand this morning, a Christmas lunch at 11:30, a phone appointment with a client at 1:00 and someone is coming to pick up the dead big screen around 2:30 or 3:00. Then I need to make a mad dash to Walmart for more wrapping paper and boxes.
Tomorrow is "Finish Shopping Day". Which means Friday will be "Finish Wrapping Day" which is also "Do all my baking day". But, I will manage. I'm going to set the card table up right in the living room. That way, I can stick a batch of cookies or a cake in the over and wrap during baking. I have to bake 2 pans of brownies Thursday night for hubby to take to his work Christmas party Friday. Then for our Christmas desserts I am making German chocolate cookies, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate fudge, peanut butter fudge, Texas sheet cake and two batches of no bake cookies.
Then Christmas eve, I'll do a quick run through to make sure the house is clean for company that night. I can finish any wrapping or last minute baking changes that morning. Hubby has to work until 3:00 so I'll have to get the goodies ready for our Christmas eve party with the kids. We have got it down to a fine art since we have the same thing every year. We have Velveeta cheese dip, crackers and chips, breadsticks, meat sauce, meatballs in barbecue sauce, chicken wings, Lil Smokies in sweet and sour sauce and Lil Smokies heated to dip in cheese sauce.

We buy crock pot liners and as we fix a dish, it goes into a crock pot to keep warm and the prep dishes are washed and dried immediately. After we eat, it is a simple matter of lifting the liner bag out of the crock pot, holding over a container and snipping the corner. The leftovers drop right into the Gladware and the empty liner goes right in the trash. We use Solo cups, plates, and bowls and plastic silverware. The crock pots are not dirty so they go back in the cupboard, everything else in the trash. And we end up with a clean kitchen and no dishes to be washed other than a few serving spoons and tongs.
Then it's fun time! Getting to exchange our gifts with the family and watch the faces on the grandchildren as they tear into their presents with joy. Of course, everything has to be completely opened and some play time has to happen. I am going to make a new rule this year. Nobody gets to open presents until Mamaw gets a picture of all 5 grandchildren together...in one shot....with no crazy faces. It's going to be tough cause they love the crazy faces and since it is Christmas they will probably be to wired to sit still, but we are going to try. Out of six tries last year, this was what we got. Colby is 1 this year so I'm sure he won't be laying so calmly.
Christmas morning is always special to. It's just me and hubby. I fidget in the bed and toss and turn enough to wake him up and then innocently say "Did I wake you up? I'm sorry. Do you want to go ahead and get up?" Like he's not going to see through that one. I'm still very childlike on Christmas morning (well, and maybe the rest of the year as well). I can't wait to see what "Santa" brings me. I really, really want a fair isle sweater and a new book to read Christmas day. If Santa comes through for those two things, I'll be a happy camper.
So, to answer the question Am I ready for Christmas, I guess as ready as I can be at this point.