I had some success last week on finding some interesting "treasures" when I was at yard sales and antique stores. I thought I would share my finds for the week.
At a community yard sale for Sevierville Middle School, I found this little vase for .25 cents. You know I am a sucker for anything milk glass, and especially vases. I think this will go on my night stand with some flowers.
I have been looking for something with the vintage wheat pattern on it. I found this little bowl at the Cattlettsburg Elementary Community Sale for just .25 cents.
I fell in love with this little tea pot in creamy yellow and red. It has a crack on the lid, but for just $2.00 I didn't care. I just use them for display since I don't drink tea. The red will go good in my kitchen. I found it at Evergreen Church Yard Sale.
I got this cute little vintage doilie at Heartland Antiques for just $1.00. It is faded and needs washed and ironed. It is dingy from dust, but I don't see any stains. I already have a place picked out for it.
This little pinapple shaped dish was just .50 cents at Heartland Antiques. Since pineapples are a sign of welcome in a home, I thought this would be cute on an end table with candy for my guests when they visit.
I already shared this last week, but I am still so thrilled about finding it that I thought I would share it again. At $5.25, it was more than I would normally pay. But since it brings back so many wonderful memories, it was worth it.
Sis collects wooden spoons. She uses them all the time. Since her kitchen is in turquoise, I knew she would just HAVE to have these. And since they were just .25 cents each at the Evergreen Church sale, I just had to snatch them up. She hasn't seen them yet, so I hope she likes them.
One thing that cracks me up is how much Sis and I think alike. I wanted to surprise her about buying her something on my search for good deals so I didn't tell her I bought her anything. The very evening of the day I bought the wooden spoon and fork, I get a text message from her. She and mom had been to an estate sale and they picked these up for me. It must have been my lucky day.

But my favorite find of the week was $3.50 at the Heartland antique store. I fell in love with this pink pitcher. Not sure why since the scene on it is Christopher Columbus landing in America. Not what you would expect on a pink pitcher, but it was so unique that I just fell in love with it. Of course, me being me I had to do some indepth research on the internet. It was fashioned after a similar piece that was made in 1892 in celebration of the 400th anniversary of Columbus landing. The original piece with the stamp on the bottom is worth $500-$600. This particular piece is valued at $125.00. I am glad I snapped it up. I am going to put it in my home office and put some pretty pastel pink flowers in it.
All in all a great week last week for finding some treasures. And the grand total I spent was $13.25 and ended up with some awesome items.