We had an unseasonably warm day yesterday. It go up to around 70 if not more. I sat in my office with the windows and door open trying to cool it down. Of course, I had on hot socks and tennis shoes along with a sweater. I just about burned up.
When I got off work, I had to run home and get ready for my Thirty-One party at a friends house. I couldn't help myself. The weather was perfect for it. I knew it was only February, but what the heck. I decided to go for it.
Yes, you guessed it FLIP FLOP time!

This morning we woke up to torrential rain and howling wind. So it's back to shoes and socks today. But I am not putting a hot sweater on. Going to revert to a long sleep cotton top.
If you are going through these storms in your area, stay safe.