Several years ago, Mom made me some stuffed faceless kitties and cats in various materials. The children love to get them out of their basket and play with them when they visit. And I don't mind at all. Saturday, after the 31 Party, I noticed Green Kitty was missing. Couldn't find her anywhere. Yesterday, I went to look in my "treasure chest" as the kids call it for a piece of material and look what I found.....Miss Green Kitty. Pretty sure who the guilty party was. :)
I was listening to Jason Aldean My Kinda Party with my 12 year old grandson the other day. He had never heard the song and he heard a line in it and had to rewind about 3 times to listen to it. It says: "You can be my tan-legged Juliet, I’ll be your Redneck Romeo." He thought that was "a cool line." Heaven help me, surely he's not starting to gather "pick up lines" already.
Our precious youngest grandson has received a much needed hair cut. He was adorable with his curls and I miss them, but....
...I love how cute he is with his little boy hair cut. Talk about a change. They grow up so fast. It's hard to believe he'll be one in October.
Mom brought me all this material when she came to visit last month. I don't have a clue what to make...especially since I am without a sewing machine now. It was going to cost more to fix mine than it would to buy a new one. Now I just have to break down and buy one.
Have a great Thursday!