We had yesterday off from work so I decided to work on my craft room. I had a very productive day. I organized some of my supplies and rearranged some of the furniture, but I am not done yet so pics will have to wait another day. I wasn't planning on going anywhere, but I got a call from a local antique store. There is a set of Pyrex bowls made for a Hamilton Beach mixer back in the 1950's and I would like to have the set. In July 2012, I put them on my wish list. In October 2012, I found the large one, but have never been able to locate the small one to complete the set. Well, the lady at one of the local antique stores that helps me find pieces gave me a call. She had the small bowl and it was only $6.00. So I hopped in my car and went right over and got it.
It always makes me happy to be able to complete a set....even if it took me 2 1/2 years to do it.
Even though I worked hard yesterday and ran that one errand, I still managed to find time to put my feet up on the couch and enjoy some Circus Peanuts while I watched a couple of episodes of Big Bang Theory.

Supper was easy. I put some homemade vegetable soup out to thaw and had that with a peanut butter mayo sandwich...and don't say "Ooo gross: before you have tried it. All in all, it was a great day to be off.