It was a busy, tiring weekend. I participated in the big 10 mile yard sale. I have never seen such craziness in my life. As we were pulling in to unload at 6:30 in the morning, there was a long line of vehicles as we had to wait while others unloaded and pulled on. But the crazy part were the people using flash lights to peer in vehicles to see what you had for sale. They were shopping before people even got set up. It was really weird.
I was happy with how much I sold and what I made. I have about 3 boxes of stuff left and have one more yard sale I agreed to be in. This next one is one I do almost yearly and I put clothes in it because we always do really good on clothing. I need to clean closets and dresser drawers this weekend.

My son and daughter-in-law watched over my stuff for me so I could go do some browsing myself. I did get a few bargains. I did find a Pyrex 501 fridgie for $3.00. No lid but it was in good shape. He had some great prices on his Pyrex but they were all patterns or pieces I didn't need.

I bought this little candy dish for $2.00. I have a clear one, a milk glass one, and a gold one. Now I can add a ruby one to my collection. It is not an intentional collection. I bought one then found one like it and now all of a sudden I have 4 in my collection.

This is a neat thing that you fold out to put on the beach to lay your towel on. This will come in hand on my vacation this year.

I had a Pyrex blue band mug and I love it. I saw one at the yard sale. I picked it up, was looking it over and before I could even ask the price the lady said you can have that if you want it. I don't want to take it back home. So I thanked her and now have a matching pair.
I put this dish in the yard sale. The Glasbake tulip bowl. It has been a major debate in my mind if I wanted to get rid of it or not. I wanted the tulip pattern on something forever and finally found it a year ago. But I really wanted red so I've been torn between keeping it or selling it. Then after putting it on the table, every time someone picked it up to look at it I would flinch in my head. Thinking, "Oh please don't buy it because I'm still not sure I want to let it go." Many people picked it up. Many times I had that thought. Final result? It came back home with me and that is where it is going to stay.

Sunday I went to Sunday School and it was my turn for Children's Church. After church, I came home, ate lunch and had a 2 hour nap. Then I went to the grocery store, ate supper and crashed on the couch. I didn't accomplish anything. Now it's Monday and I'm still tired. I am really looking forward to my upcoming vacation. I sure need some rest. Can't wait to be just setting on the beach reading a book.