I must admit that I love the word meandering...which the dictionary defines as to wander at random. My mind is meandering today so I thought I would just post what I'm thinking about....
.... I know we celebrated President's day on Monday, but let's officially wish George Washington a Happy Birthday today. Old George would have been 280 today. Wouldn't it be nice to be remembered for 280 years! He was only 67 when he died.

.... I was thinking the other day about all the new verbs used to describe how we let others know about our life and our likes. We used to "talk" or "write". Now we Facebook, we pin, we text, we chat, we Skype, we tweet, we blog. I'm not sure what the next generation will bring to the table of communication.

....Speaking of pinning - Have you noticed the new wave of aqua or turquoise. Many blogs are showing some gorgeous vintage items in these colors and I must say it makes me want to jump on the band wagon.
....I am also becoming fond of pink. Not sure why. Even though I am a girly girl for the most part, I have never really been a fan of pink, especially light pink. But I'm starting to really like it.
....As we approach spring, I'm beginning to see and like a lot of yellow. I may look for yellow and white for my Easter colors this year. Shouldn't say that because now I have jinxed myself. Anytime I go looking for a specific color, I find everything BUT the color I want.
....This is not my bathroom, so don't get excited. Mine is a work in process and I am finally loving thoughts for it. I'm slowly working on the decor and the lilac/lavender combination is going to work. Painting it white this spring will make a huge difference. My plans are to turn the bathroom into a garden paradise. Updates as they occur. I am going to add some of the light mint green to it as well and the wooden commode seat with a sea grass basket on the top of the tank.
....Still debating on what type of furniture for the front porch. Wrought iron or white wicker. Love them both. I just know I can't wait to get a new porch swing. I may incorporate wicker and wrought iron. Just a thought.
Happy hump day!
Happy hump day!