I've started back on my plastic canvas projects. I did this little coaster one evening last week. They are so simple and just take about an hour. The good part is you can custom design your patterns so you don't have to follow a printed paper.
When we were on vacation, we went to several antique stores and thrift shops and the only thing I found was this little cup at an antique store. It's Pyrex and was only .99 cents so I bought it for hot chocolate.
I went in a costume jewelry store at the Coastal Grand Mall and they had tons of necklaces. This one was on clearance for $2.99 so I bought it since I love anything nautical.
When I got back home, there is a lady who has been having a garage sale and I stopped to see what she had left. I'm glad I did. I got this Pyrex coffee mug for just .25 cents.
Not sure who made this but it is vintage 1970's. I liked it and since it was just .25 cents I went ahead and got it as well. For somebody who doesn't drink coffee, I sure buy a lot of coffee cups.
I have a card table I use at holidays and have been looking for tablecloths for it. I found this one for just $1.00. It looks like it was never used.
Bought this cute little throw for just .50 cents. I'm going to put it in the kids room for when the girls stay all night.
My bargain of the day were these almost brand new drapes. They are the heavy lined quality drapes and were only $2.00 for both pairs. They were exactly what I've been looking for to go on the window in my home office to help keep some of the sun out in the afternoons.
I went to Hobby Lobby and several other places Saturday and got home about 3:30. Our Sunday School classes are changing next week so yesterday was the last day we had our 5 year olds. They graduated from Pre-K Sunday School to Kindergarten Sunday School class. So I made these little graduation caps for them to use for their graduation.
Since we were sending them off with a party, I decide to make some graduation caps for dessert out of brownie bites, fudge grahams and M & M's. They turned out pretty cute and were a hit with the kiddos.
I put some of the pictures of the past two years on a paper and made them little diplomas.
We were going to have popcorn so I made some popcorn cones to put the popcorn in for them at the party. They were easy to make.
After all that, I finally fixed me some homemade pizza breads and ate supper. I was ready to crash. I couldn't believe how much I had crammed into one day.
But it was all worth it when I got to church Sunday morning and the kids enjoyed their graduation so much.