I stopped by a thrift store recently and they had this Bakers Rack for a little over $30. I wish I had somewhere to put another one in my house. My first thought was thinking how much Pyrex it could hold. But since I had nowhere to put it, I had to leave it behind.
My husband did a friend of mine a favor and she rewarded him with a carrot cake. He has been enjoying it the last couple of days. It was homemade from scratch and he says it is delicious.
The same friend played Easter Bunny and brought me a basket of tea cakes to take to work today to share with my co-workers. Of course, I tried them out last night. I love these. She has made them before at a church bible study I attended and they were a huge hit then. And I know they are going to be a huge hit today.
This same friend makes the crochet dishcloths that I am so crazy about. She makes them for me all the time. She always gives me two. One for me and one for my friend Stevie Marie. I love the pretty spring colors in these.
I saw the neatest idea on Pinterest. I shared it on Facebook and my daughter pointed out they look like spider webs not doilies so just imagine it with different doilies that don't look like spider webs.

This reminded me of a picture our boss's wife bought for the new office. Here is the picture but it was in a distressed old frame.
I fell in love with it and decided to recreate it using my friends old typewriter. I was telling my hubby about it last night and said I was going to look at yard sales for some old frames to use. That triggered his memory about some old family pics we had put up in the closet. It made us curious to see if we could determine who the people were. When I got them down, we had this one frame that belonged to his grandmother that I had forgotten about. I am thinking of painting it a barn red and using chalkboard paint on the glass and hanging it in my kitchen. What do you think?
One of the pics was really old. We are not sure who they are but we do know it was one set of his great grandparents on his mother's side, just not sure how far back it goes on the "great" part.
We found this one as well. By comparing it to old photos I have on his dad's side, we figured this to be his great, great grandmother sitting down, but not sure who the lady is standing beside her. We believe it to be one of his great aunts. I need to find all this out.
I have the day off tomorrow so I plan on looking for yard sales and visiting a few antique stores. I love when we have a three day weekend.