Do you ever like to do things just because you can? I am 53 years old and I still love to swing, jump rope and play jacks. Now, these may not be great achievements, but I have been known to get all the way to my "tensies" most of the time.
I was cleaning dresser drawers, cabinets and toy boxes yesterday. I found what we knew as super balls back in the day, but are now referred to as bouncy balls. I loved when we got bouncy balls when we were little. We would take them out on the patio and see how high we could get them to bounce.
We would try it in the house, but inevitably one would knock something over and we would get the old "No playing ball in the house" lecture. I remember one time, we went to our friends house and were playing jacks in the kitchen. We snuck and used a bouncy ball instead of the regular jack ball. It bounced so high it went in the pot of stew Helen had on the stove. That ended that pretty quick.
As I was doing my cleaning and I found two bouncy balls in the toy box, I had several thoughts in succession:
"I need to throw these away before somebody breaks something."
"There are only two and I have four grandkids so there will eventually be a fight over these."
"Oh, but I love bouncy balls and these have such a pretty design."
You guessed it, the bouncy balls did not get thrown away. I could not force myself to do it. However, I tucked them in a spare drawer for safe keeping and to keep my stuff safe. One of these days when we go outside to play, I'll drag them back out for the kids to enjoy. But I better buy 2 more first.