It seems like I can't get my head together any more to accomplish anything. I hate when I miss a day blogging and I am going to try to do better. I have some exciting things to share today.
First is this sweet lady from West Virginia name Peggy. She and her husband come to Tennessee several times a year. They attend our church when they are in town. She know of my love for Pyrex and every once in awhile she she surprises me with a bowl she has picked up an estate or yard sale. They were down recently and she surprised me with this awesome set of the (that's the set on the right). I just love it! It was really neat because the set had two out of three lids with it. And I happened to have a spare lid which went with those size bowls. Aren't they beautiful.

As you know I sell Thirty-One. One of the other consultants posted this on her page.

These little bags are part of new Christmas Collection. So I posted it to see how many I could sell in 24 hours. I was already taking up and order and I was short of my goal. I sold 18 sets in the first 58 minutes. Fourteen hours later I had sold a total of 27 sets and I met my goal. At $5 plus s/h and tax they were just $5.93 per set. I love that their Christmas line is already released and available through the end of January. After I got to 27 I realized I needed a couple myself. If you look closely you will see the little cardinal on one of the trees. When I noticed that, I realized I had to get a set for Miss Debbie at I hope she likes it.

I am planning on running to a couple of yard sales in the morning. Sort of a last hurrah for bargains before it gets to cold to have them. I have a friend who is having one and I know I will go to it for sure. Hope everyone has a great weekend.