This is my favorite word in the English language. I love grace, mercy, and hope. But faith is the very core of my being. I have been obsessed with faith since I was 16 and my Sunday School teacher explained it as an absolute trust in something that you cannot see, smell, touch or hear.
Faith is something that just IS. He explained it to us like this. When we walk in to Sunday School class and choose a seat, we just sit down. We don't question anything. We don't ask if the chair will hold us. We don't look underneath to see what makes it work and determine its strength. We don't ask others their opinion or thoughts on what we should do. We simply sit down because we know that a chair is designed for sitting so we have faith that it will hold us up.
The same is true of telephones, radios, tv's, lights, etc. We just reach over and answer the phone or click the remote without even thinking about it. We have faith that it will work and do what it is designed to do.
Our faith in God should be that unquestionable. We should hand him our problems and have faith that He will help us in His way. We are bad about asking him to help us then trying to tell him how to do it, what results we want and the timeline to get the job done. We continue to obsess over the results and try to think of ways to make it work out the way we want.
With faith, we should just say "Here Lord, please take care of this for me." Then walk away from it with a deep abiding trust that knows He will.
I'm teaching children's church tomorrow and our lesson is about Doubting Thomas. Our lesson goal is to teach that faith is believing, even when you cannot see.
I was explaining it to Caleb and asked him to stiffen his knees and fall back in my arms without bending them. I explained that faith is knowing I would never drop him or let him get hurt. It took a few tries, but he finally followed through and realized that I would take care of him. I showed it to Shebly and she just started immediately falling backwards into my arms without even thinking twice as to if I would catch her.
This shows us that the older we get, the less trusting we are. Some of us are like Caleb, we want to test our faith a time or two before we fully let go and let God. Some of us are like Shelby, we just fall back into God's arms and let him catch us.
Ask yourself... What type of faith do I have?
May you have a strong childlike faith and place your cares at the Saviours feet, knowing that He will keep you in His care.