Went out on a date with a cowboy, a cheerleader and a cowgirl last night. We had a blast. Our church had Trunk-or-Treat.

The kids rode the train, played some games, climbed all over the fire truck, listened to some great music. I got to hear Miss Kelsey sing. She is in her mid-teens and one of the most powerful, strongest voices I have ever heard. She sings a lot on Sunday mornings and solos in our choir specials. I expect to someday say "I knew her when."

Everybody really took time to decorate their trunks. It was so awesome.

The kids had so much fun and the weather was so nice for the first hour or so and then it turned cold. They did get a lot of candy.

Everybody really took time to decorate their trunks. It was so awesome.

The kids had so much fun and the weather was so nice for the first hour or so and then it turned cold. They did get a lot of candy.

My daughter's father-in-law and his brothers have a lot of antique vehicles. They brought a few of them to trunk-or-treat for the antique car show.

It was a wonderful evening and we had a blast. Lots of neat and original costumes. Even Porter and Dolly stopped by with Bat Woman.

It was a wonderful evening and we had a blast. Lots of neat and original costumes. Even Porter and Dolly stopped by with Bat Woman.

And I did get to enjoy my favorite part of Trunk-or-Treat...an awesome grilled hot dog with chili and mustard and a bag of chips. Yummy!