With all the dark clouds and fierce storms we've had lately, I'm reminded of the word in that song
"Sometimes He calms the storm, sometimes He calms me."
As I was playing it in my car yesterday, I got to thinking about it and it made me wonder about the storms in our lives.
How many of the storms we face are caused by the world around us and how many are of our own making? Many times, we have people who will say or do something that makes our life miserable. We give too much control over our feelings and actions. These are the times that I believe Satan is working his hardest to get at us and to chip away at our faith and beliefs. These are the times we should be dropping to our knees constantly asking for God to bring us through the storm, protected and safe.
But how many times do we create our own storms? We doubt ourselves and second-guess everything we do. We worry over things we have no control over until it becomes an obsession that keeps us from moving forward the way God wants us to. We take casual remarks to heart and think that it was meant specifically for us, when it has nothing to do with us.
These are the storms that we create that keep us from leading full, happy lives. Storms of our own making are self-doubt and fear. The very things we fear, in most cases, never come to be. Yet, we will let these fears rule our lives. Self-doubt is a destructive weapon that can bring grown men to their knees.
As you battle the storms in your life, not only ask God to bring you through them, but ask Him to help you stop creating them. He is always there. Our fail-safe. Our protection. Our guide. We just don't always call on Him until the storms get so bad we can't handle them on our own.