I have been out of town for 4 days so I missed a few days posting. I have been in West Virginia with my mother who had surgery. She is back home and in excellent shape. The doctor was very pleased with how well she pulled through. Here is her picture just 30 minutes after coming out of the recovery room.
I got to see a lot of my family when I was there. I got to see my brother Jack.
My brother Andy (this is is son, Coy).
And my sister Rachel
My niece Amy and her precious daughter Makenzie.
My nephew Robby with my nephew Coy.
I also got to enjoy my favorite Gino's Pizza. It is a local chain that I wish would expand south. It is the best pizza in the world.
I got some wonderful gifts while I was in from various family members. Come back tomorrow to learn more about these and many more other goodies I want to share with you.
Later this week I will be blogging about my cousin's beautiful home I got to visit while I was there.

We left the warm weather of East Tennessee last Saturday when we headed to West Virginia. The weather wasn't too cold there until the morning we had to head home. We woke up to a light dusting of snow.
The trip home was full of snow flurries, snow squalls, rain, sunshine and even a rainbow. We didn't know what we would find 5 miles down the road all the way home since the weather shift was ever changing.
But we made it home safely. I had an awesome trip and I give God all the glory for how well Mom came through the surgery.