I have a gentleman who is a dear friend, who posts a question of the day on Facebook everyday. These questions are always thought provoking and challenging. He asks questions that make us really stop and think. Questions that make us look deep inside to find the answers. Through his questions, he is guiding each of us on a quest to make the best of our lives, No Matter What!
We are not only learning what makes each other tick, but what makes ourselves tick. I have learned more about myself and my beliefs through these morning sessions than I have on anything else I have ever studied.
One thing I have found is a sheer joy in challenging myself to really think about the questions and to be honest with myself, no matter what others may think.
It has been a mind-opening experience. I have started looking for ways to challenge myself...to be a better person, a more open person....to strive harder to reach my goals...to become passionate about every facet of my life. We do not have these sessions on the weekend and I miss them so much that I have started asking myself difficult questions to challenge me on the weekend.
Through these sessions, I feel like I have become a better person, developed a more open mindset and learned to look at my struggles as obstacles to overcome and conquer and not as stumbling blocks.
So I urge each of you to face the roadblocks in your life and dig deep inside to challenge your inner self to find a way to conquer the obstacles. I recommend you read his book, No Matter What!