Seventeen years ago today, with my heart pounding a mile a minute, it happened. I got to hold my very first grandchild. I was a grandmother. The love and joy that brings is unbelievable. What is more unbelievable is that he is turning 17 years old today.

So many memories of this sweet baby boy. Helping my Mom make homemade biscuits.
That 1000 watt smile of his that lights up his face and lights up my heart.

Taking him on trips to West Virginia to see his great grandmother, my mom.
All those overnight stays with me and Papaw.
Monkeying around on the tree in our back yard.
Not sure what he was contemplating here, but pretty sure if I had to write a caption it would be "I'd rather be fishing."
He has grown into a fine handsome young man that I am very, very proud of.

Happy birthday, Garret. We all love you very much.