I have all my vacation stuff washed up and put away. Got all my bags unpacked and stored till next trip. Now to enjoy a wonderful 3 day weekend. Our VBS starts next Sunday which means I will be decorating this week. I am going to have the kids in Children's Church and Ms. Missy's class work on some projects for our sea themed VBS that we can use to decorate the craft room with for VBS. That is if Ms. Missy doesn't have other plans for the kids tomorrow.
I think the fish in this picture would be great for them to make and then next week we could do some twisty streams for the sea weed.

And for Children's Church, we can color paper plate sea shells. These look painted, but I believe we will just use sea shells. Ask anybody who knows me, we don't paint and we don't do glitter. I like them both but trying to do that when you only have four tables and about 27 kids, it becomes a nightmare. We drew on black construction paper last week with chalk. What a nightmare. We had to borrow a box of wipees from the nursery to clean everybody up. Who knew chalk was so messy.

In addition to decorating for VBS, I am doing crafts for the 3, 4 and 5 year olds that are pre-K. I get to do them in 3 different groups and there are plenty of helpers. So I have been doing my Pinterest homework. Haven't decided on every night yet, but we are SO doing this one. It is too cute and they can use it in the pool or bathtub. It is sail boats made from pool noodles.

Sometimes it is as much fun to plan VBS as it is to attend it. I would be interested to know how many of my readers work in or attend their VBS. It's not just for the kids. I get a big blessing in being around them and watching them learn. And the program at the end of the week where they have learned the songs and get to perform them is always so entertaining.