Song of Solomon 2:11-12 (King James Version)
For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land;
Spring. A time of rebirth. A time for spring cleaning, chasing away the cobwebs that winter has clouded our minds with. A time to make all things new. Let go of the hurts, the pains, the bitterness that a long winter can bring. Rejoice in God's love and blessings. Find time for family and friends. Remember the good and dismiss the bad. God blesses us in so many ways, yet we seem to focus on the irritating things that happen to us instead of the blessings.
Clear your focus. The dark of winter allows us too much time to brood, to think, to ponder. As spring arrives we should move into the light that is our life. We all have situations in our lives that hinder us and keep us down. Now is a good time to put those situations away. What is that saying "Don't sweat the small stuff?" This is so true. My friends are constantly discussing confrontations and people who try to get them down. My advice is always the same. Don't let them steal your joy. Don't spend so much time focusing on the ones who bring you down. Avoid them as much as possible and live the life God wants YOU to live, not the one they want you to. We do not have to let others choices and situations effect our decision to live a joyful and delightful life with the Lord. I have always lived by one philosophy. Distance yourself from the downers. It is a well-known physcological fact that we become like those we spend the most time with. If you are constantly in the company of depressing, angry people, that is how your demeanor will become. Surround yourself with joy and love and you will grow as an individual.
So clean the cobwebs out of your mind and dedicate your life to serving the Lord, in finding the rebirth that spring always brings. Give your destiny to Him to worry about and just spend the spring enjoying the wonder of YOU!