
Just wait till He stands up....

We are learning a new song in choir. It's full of excitement and joy. The words really touched a place in my heart that makes me want to shout and sing. Just wait till He stands up. What a thought. Imagine what it will be like when God tells Jesus it's time to gather His people home.

When we get ready to take a trip here, we scurry around and pack our bags. We make lists to make sure we don't forget anything. We lay out our clothes to decide what we want to pack and what will best serve our purpose. Then we have to pack jewelry to match. And all our toiletries. By the time we are packed for our little trip, we are too worn out to take the trip. We can't sleep the night before because we are so excited to be leaving.

But I don't think it will be like that for Jesus. When God says, it's time to go. I think He will be heading out heaven's door with no notice. He'll have a band of heavenly angels on His heels shouting and praising and singing. "Road trip!" will be announced to one and all when the King comes to collect His people.

I for one want to be ready. I want my heavenly bags packed and ready to leave at a moments notice. I don't want to linger. I won't double check the lights or make sure the oven is off. I'll be standing at the door waiting to jump in His open arms and say "Let's go!"

Oh, what a trip that will be. Clean up the baggage in your life and don't have anything lingering that will hold you back. When He arrives, be prepared. If you think you have had excitement or joy in your life before, well, Just wait till HE stands up!!