
Trying to blend in

Yesterday was the annual Fall Homecoming at a local art gallery. We decided to go and walk around and check things out. One of the first places we went was to the sheep shearing barn. While we were there, I couldn't resist a picture of the flock as they awaited their turn. 

I noticed the one black sheet amid the other sheep. He had a furtive look to his face, if sheep can have such a look. It appeared to me like he was trying to blend in and yet, hoping no one could see he was different than the others.

If got me to thinking how many times in our lives do we do things to try to blend it. Do we join the wrong groups because we want to be one of the crowd? Do we go with flow and dress in the styles of those around us so we won't get termed "different". Do we try to hide our light under a bushel because we worry about what the world will think if we take a stand? Do we shun God at those times we need Him simply because our co-workers, our friends or sometimes even our family may be uncomfortable with us talking about it. Are we like the llamas I saw who simply stood straight and silent, less the world judge our views or criticize our thoughts. 

Psalms 139:14 says "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;[a]

Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well." 

We should all be like the peacock. Walking around with our head held high, proud of what the Lord has blessed us with. I'm not talking about outer beauty but the beauty that lies deep within. The uniqueness that is simply your own and that God fashioned after His own image. Many people do not like the word proud because they deem it to be associated with pride and pride is not always a good thing. But I feel that if we are not proud of what God has done in our lives; then how can we show others how blessed it is to be a child of the King. 

This song says it all "I was made in His likeness, created in His image. For I was born to serve the Lord. Now I can't deny Him, I'll always walk beside Him. For I was born to serve the Lord." So rejoice in what God has given you. Praise Him in the good times and the bad. Become the YOU He has blessed you to be. Hold your head high. Don't worry about fitting in with the crowd or worrying about what others think. GOD is the only one who knows our hearts. And we serve a forgiving God. Don't let others judge you and cause you become what they want you to be, not what God wants you to be.