I am going to have to check the thermostat a little closer when I go to bed at night. I woke up and it was so cold that I turned the fireplace on.
I attended a Jamberry Nails Facebook party last night. I am thinking about getting a set. Here are some I liked. What are your thoughts? I love all kinds of nail colors, but I have forever and will always love red.
I also like this shade...even though I am not sure what you call it. But I do like it.
And if it is pink and it sparkles, I will love it.
I have been looking everywhere for Chrome nail polish and can't find it so I am pretty sure I will end up buying this set simply because it is a color I can't find in nail polish.
I am heading out this morning to my Better Together meeting with my Thirty-One sisters. Can't wait to see what new info and training we get today.

I made brownie muffins and peanut butter cookie muffins with grated Hershey's Kisses on top.

I have to stop at the store and get some orange sherbet, orange pineapple juice and 7-Up so I can make my favorite punch as well.

I get to do the devotion at our meeting today. I picked as my verse Ecclesiastes 4:9 - Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. (NIV). I picked this verse because the theme of our meeting is being better together.
Tomorrow morning we won't have Children's Church so I get a break from thinking up a craft for the week. We are having a guest concert by the Wilmington Celebration Choir. They are in town for a concert performance with the Bill Gaither Trio tonight so they are coming to sing for us tomorrow morning. (The choir is, not the Gaither's.)
It's going to be a busy, fun weekend.