With my crazy week, I decided last night that I needed some Google time looking for some vintage pretties to share. So I went on a search and these are some of the fun things I found. I thought these glasses were so pretty and summery looking. Imagine them filled with ice cold lemonade.
These caught my eye just because they are so whimsical. I have always loved carousel animals. I think the zebra is my favorite.
I love this setting. I wonder where they found the cute milk glass owl planter.

I love milk glass but didn't realize it came in pinks and mint/turquoise.

This is a phone cover that will fit my phone. I really would like something other than plain, but not sure if this is what I want.

When we go to the beach, we go to a set of shops that has a little pond in the middle of the complex and their are always swans in the pond. We have lots of fond memories of going there so I would love to find this swan soap dish for my beach bathroom.

I love salt dips. They just fascinate me. I think it is because they are so small and so colorful. This is a cool assortment.

I see the old Singer sewing machines a lot but the machine