With the temperature so high and the humidity making it difficult to breathe, it's hard to believe that fall is just around the corner, but the signs are everywhere.
School starts in little over a week. Blue jeans and long sleeve shirts are making their appearance in stores. The boys are starting to put on their pads and helmets as that first football game is approaching. Bands are practicing their routines and cheerleaders are working on their pyramids.
Late at night, the oppressive heat disappears and you can feel fall in the air. I can smell the late evening smoke from a campground up river. In another month, the apple orchards will be alive with the busy activity of gathering apples for apple butter.
We make a big batch every year. This is the first year we have ran out before it is time to make it again. I'm counting the days. I love applebutter, but cannot stand the store bought kind. Applebutter tastes better when there is time and love poured into each homemade jar.
We've experimented with many types of apples over the years. Nothing compares to the flavor we get when we use Rome apples. We ended up with Rome's by accident one year and it was our best "vintage" ever. I almost cried when I opened the last jar.
So bring on the fall weather and the applebutter festivities.