First things first, just let me give a big shout of Congratulations to Caleb Hayes, my grandson, who actually WON the 4-H cookie contest. I talked to him last night after I got off work. I asked him how his bake-off went. He said "Well, I won." I was like..."What?" He said, "Yeah, guess we will be going to Pigeon Forge for the cook-off in April." I could tell he was secretly pleased. So very proud of him. Who would have thought this curly haired little fellow would go from a cookie eater.... a cookie maker. Now to find him a more manly apron for his April baking session.

On another note, I am super excited about a new shopping complex being built just 6.8 miles from my house. That is an 11 minute drive.
And what has me so excited?? The first name on the top row......HOBBY LOBBY! One of my favorite stores ever. I love going there for my craft supplies. The one I normally go to is 46.8 miles away and takes 41 minutes. Now I will have one 11 minutes away. Wow! I am just beyond happy.
I could camp out in the fabric department. Sometimes I feel like I do because they have so much to choose from that I can't make up my mind.
I hope they stick with their schedule and get it open in the fall.