(Me, Daddy, and my sister Rachel)
Sisters are a blessing from God. They are the other half of your soul. They are connected with the deepest part of your heart. My sister is one of my best friends. We shared a room; we shared our secrets. We shared our Barbies and we shared our clothes. But most importantly we shared our love. We are many miles apart and don't get to visit as often as we should, but one phone call can bring the joy and laughter back together. Today is my sister's birthday. Rachel is 13 1/2 months older than I am. She was and is still a great role model for a kid sister to have. I know there were times growing up that I probably drove her nuts, because that's what part of a kid sisters job is.

I may have not always kept my side of the room as perfect as hers. I may have kept busy to avoid doing my share of the dishes many a times and she had to do them all by herself. I may have bugged her to borrow her favorite sweater. And I may have even teased her about her boyfriends. But no matter what, she knows that I truly and deeply love her with every beat of my hear. Here is a poem I wrote for her birthday many years ago. Sis, I hope you have a very happy birthday today and may God continue to bless you year after year.

When she was one, she approached the crib. Her small steps were slow and a little unsteady as she was but a mere babe herself. The folks had tried to explain this little creature to her. But she did not understand. She gazed in awe at the little one and wondered, what exactly is this thing they call "Sisters"? But so much is not understood when you are one.
When she was six, she could hardly sleep. She whispered across the room to her sister. "Tomorrow is the first day of school and I can't wait to go, but I hate to leave you." The kid sister just smiled. She knows her big sister has no choice. For that's how it is when you are six.
When she was thirteen, she sat in her room trying to read. She's thinking what a pain kid sisters can be. All she wants is her own room. But all she gets is a kid sister who is a pain in the neck. But that's how it is when you are thirteen.
When she was sixteen, she learned to drive. She discovered it's pretty good having a kid sister. Parents are less suspecting if you offer to take Sis along. But sometimes kid sisters can be so immature and embarrassing in front of the boys. But that's how it is when you're sixteen.
When she is eighteen, she sits in the room they shared and stares at the wall. Tomorrow she will wed. A lone, silent tear slowly glides down her cheek. She thinks back on the times they've shared and the memories they've made. So much time has passed and so much love has grown. As she starts her new life, she knows she will never be alone. That other half will always be with her in her heart.
'Cause that's how it is when you're sisters.